Kaziranga to Guwahati Bus Service

Traveling by a Bus is the most cheapest transportation while you are on a journey. Kaziranga Tourist Complex along-with the all best hotels is located by the National Highway 37 (ASEAN Highway No. 1, India) and therefore it is connected with all the major cities like Guwahati, Jorhat, Nagaon, Sibsagar, Tezpur by Road in Assam.

We provide a regular Bus Service (Under Assam State Transport Corporation) online booking service from Kaziranga to Guwahati (One Way) through our website. Rates for A/C and Non A/C Coach are given below. Call us or mail us at the below details to book it advance.

Our Phone: +91-9859546531

Our Mail: bookings@kazirangaadventures.com

Coach Type

Timings (IST) Route Price per seat


08:00 a.m.

Kaziranga > Guwahati

INR 400.00

Non A/C 07:30 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. Kaziranga > Guwahati

INR 350.00